I'm a long time reader and first time writter. I bought 20" BBS replica wheels for my 740I the problem is everyone want's to sell me tires that match the diameter of the factory wheels. However with a 20" rim that only leaves about 2.5" of rubber. I'd like to have about 3.5-4" of rubber. What is the largest tire I could use that would'nt rub or require extra work on the fenders? So far the suggestion is: 255/35/20 fronts & 275/30/20 rear
I'm a long time reader and first time writter. I bought 20" BBS replica wheels for my 740I the problem is everyone want's to sell me tires that match the diameter of the factory wheels. However with a 20" rim that only leaves about 2.5" of rubber. I'd like to have about 3.5-4" of rubber. What is the largest tire I could use that would'nt rub or require extra work on the fenders? So far the suggestion is: 255/35/20 fronts & 275/30/20 rear